Thursday, October 16, 2008


from wiki

Cosplay short for "costume play" is a type of performance art whose participants outfit themselves, with often-elaborate costumes and accessories, as a specific character. Characters are usually sourced in various Japanese and East Asian media, including manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, and fantasy movies.

Other sources include performers from J-pop, J-rock, Visual Kei, fantasy music stories (such as stories by the band Sound Horizon), novels, and objects from cyberspace or the real world that are unique and dramatic (especially if they have or can be given an anthropomorphic form

Possibly the single largest and most famous event attended by cosplayers is the semiannual doujinshi market, Comiket. This event, held in summer and winter, attracts hundreds of thousands of manga otaku and many thousands of cosplayers who congregate on the roof of the exhibition center, often in unbearably hot or cold conditions.

this last line is the best : "While some japanese do attend cosplay functions that are held in districts such as Akihabara, most Japanese people find cosplay to be rather silly"

i love the japanese.

1 comment:

Mizohican said...

Yeah, trust the japs to come up with such innovative ideas. They're truly amazing! Wasn't it them who took "air-guitaring" to a pro level and even came up with applications that could play what one is air-guitaring?

When it comes to costumes, they also gave us the anime-fashion! :)

One last thing regarding costumes, here is a video link to one of my favorite metal bands "Lordi" (not japanese) and check out the costume that always wear during every performance! You might like them :)